Built-in Security

When you send an email to someone, you only intend for the recipient to read it. You don’t really want a load of other people having a look and knowing your secrets. It doesn’t matter whether it is a love letter or a message from a company CEO to employees of an organization, security really matters these days and current RF communication doesn’t offer it. However, laser communication does.

And it offers a level of security that is seeing it used increasingly for future developments in the establishment of impenetrable and impossible to hack networks such as dedicated, private data networks owned by individual organizations.

More Secure & Power Efficient

Size of Beam

Laser communication systems use beams with very small beam divergence which is physically inaccessible to radio frequency technologies. This makes laser communication systems extremely secure because one would have to get into the narrow beam to eavesdrop on a connection. Considering that this beam is actually moving as it is sent – e.g. from drones or balloons moving in high altitude – this is an almost impossible task to pull off. And if that is not enough you can even use Quantum Key Distribution with laser communications to really achieve unhackable links and the most secure connections physically possible.

Typ. ScenarioLink distanceLaser beam sizeKa-band beam sizeX-band beam size
Air-to-ground link from UAV50 km1 m1,600 m3,200 m
Air-to-air link of high-altitude constellation200 km5 m6,500 m13,000 m
Space-to-ground link of Earth observation mission1,400 km35 m45,000 m90,000 m
Inter-satellite link of LEO constellation4,000 km111 m145,000 m290,000 m

Laser aperture size: 80mm, Ka-band antenna size: 300mm, X-band antenna size: 600mm. Assuming physical limits for lowest possible beam size.